Billions of people all over the world use WhatsApp to stay connected to friends and family. Governments, NGOs and charities use WhatsApp to support COVID-19 digital response with messaging services that enable fact-checking, hotlines, and vaccine scheduling.
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WhatsApp is a key tool to provide vulnerable, disempowered and minority communities with easy and secure access to vital information and support.
WhatsApp Chat for Impact Summit
The Chat for Impact Summit will inspire and support organizations to develop more ways to provide vital information and resources to people and advance social justice in communities around the world.
The Chat for Impact Summit consists of two key activities:
- Summit: A three-day virtual summit for 30 organizations that includes strategic and hands-on sessions and participation in an impact community of practice
- Accelerator: A four-month accelerator where 10 organizations will receive $50,000 and dedicated mentorship to help develop and launch a live WhatsApp service.
Organizations actively driving social progress and ready to scale their program using WhatsApp are encouraged to apply. Areas of significant interest include support for racial justice communities in the sectors of legal rights, economic empowerment and increasing workplace diversity, as well as health, education, equality, financial inclusion and legal rights.
Apply Now! Deadline is April 11, 2021
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Then please sign up now to get our email updates. We are constantly publishing new funding opportunities like these:
It’s was good to eradicate the proverty in our country or social and thanks
Its encouraging .
Proverty we reduce in our economy
Proverty we reduce in our economy and people will established there own frim
This grant we help so many people to start small scale business
This grant we help so many people to start small scale business to filled there family and to pay school fees
An unemployed person can apply
Good day, I need assistance to get a sewing machine for my fashion training class. I will appreciate your support. You can reach me through my mail – Thank you.
Good morning,
I needed the grant to established and developed my business.
Good morning,
I needed the grant to developed my business.i want the grant to buy some equipment for my catering business and materials.
Thanking you in anticipation,
John Aigere.
Sure, it is to good to empower individuals, keep it up. So how can I join.
With this kind of initiative’s, i believe the quest for poverty eradication can be achieved.
Thank you for the opportunity, more grease to your Elbow’s
Good afternoon Sir
Kindly advise me how to apply for the grant for my eradication from poverty,
Thanking you for your anticipation support
John Aigere
Thank you for sharing the information. Salesforce CPQ Training will help you to build a strong career in the IT field.
(Especially for the Rural Youths Without Laptops)
We are happy to introduce ourselves that Association for Social Solidarity and Empowerment Training Trust , is a registered social service organization based in Coimbatore India working for the rural-children education and development through various capacity building workshops and technical empowerment training programs. unwanted banned contents which is not a healthy indication among the upcoming generation. Therefore, Asset Trust India is taking its own initiatives in approaching these children, teaching them to apply laptops for constructive exercises and thus developing a healthy society
We plan to teach them English as well as Mother Tongue Tamil Phonetics and also Desk top Publishing with available software provided by Manufacturer We also teach soft skills such as bio data preparation, how to face interviews, career counseling and guidance
Preference will be given to
•Employed people can also participate in this program to build their capacities.
•25 to 30 students can be accommodated in one session
•students should be committed and dedicated to participate in the workshop.
•Participants will have to bring a notebook and a pen to take notes
From Our NGO ’s side give their contribution for this Program :
• A simple hall or a class room
• Tables and chairs are
• participants/Students will have to take care of their Lunch
• If possible, provide them tea with a simple snack
We need support from concern to purchase 5 Laptops and One Computer System with total needy materials Which calculated as Indian Rupees For One Laptop Rs. 20000 x 5 – Rs. 100000 and One (1) Computer system with all materials Rs. 34000 / So We need of grant for above captioned Program Rs. 140000.00
It will be highly appreciated if the concerned authorities be kind enough to consider our N.G.O. so that we can obey all your terms & condition. We shall furnish more information regarding our organization to your concern in any time if need.
Hope you would be kind enough to give due consideration of above facts and for the needful at your earliest for implementing the project.
We made sure that Every Rupees that we receive should have a meaning, and thus, we decide to spend your support money on the best quality products that we purchase and give training to Poor and Rural Youth . We also made sure that the fund that we receive from funding agency do not go in vain, as our services reached the ones who deserve, and are in need of those.
Thanks with kind regards.
Yours Faithfully
Krishna Amirthalingam, Project Director – Association for Social Solidarity and Empowerment Training Trust (Asset Trust)
I want to apply
I’m unemployed person and searching for job since 2016. But now I realized to start business. Please help me.
Good day sir, i would like to apply for my foundation which happens to be an NGO organization.
I will be very grateful if my request will be granted cos my shop was vandalize and looted during the end SARS protest that happened some time ago in Nigeria and I lost over 15million during that period and since life as been so tough for me and my family. Thanks and urs faithful victor Anadozie Felix from Lagos Nigeria
Sir I lost over 15million during that period of end SARS protest that happened in Nigeria. Since then life has been so difficult and join with the bad economy in Nigeria. Pls the should help me so that I can start life all over again. Thanks
Please do assist me i wanbt to apply.
Good day sir, I need your support for my business to development and expansion, to established my Poultry farming and rearing animal like goat, sheep, cows etc I need financial grant to assist me in other to expand my business, I will be very glad to get appropriate support from your organization.
Thank you.
Ur comment, it is was good
Kindly help know how to apply for grants for my business that was hit hard during covid 19 to assist me do more than i used to to enable me keep my workers working for this is the only jobs they have and my only source of income. Kindly assist please
Beatrice Wangari