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What are the Innovations in Mobile Technology for Youth Workforce Development?

By Linda Raftree on October 10, 2012


RSVP now for Innovations in Mobile Technology for Youth Workforce Development, Monday, October 15, from 9:00 am-12:30 pm EDT.

We’ll have a stimulating and participatory discussion around how innovations can promote greater inclusion of marginalized populations and explore areas where innovations are (or could be) occurring in the mYWD space.
Some of the questions we’ll address include:

  1. How do workforce development programs address different forms of exclusion? And how do different forms of exclusion affect our approaches to youth and workforce development programming?
  2. What do innovation and ‘disruption’ mean in the context of mobile technologies and youth workforce development? What are some different frameworks for thinking about innovation?
  3. What role might mobile technologies play in increasing access to information and work/entrepreneurial opportunities for young people?
  4. Where are there opportunities for innovation with mobile technologies in YWD? What are some examples?
  5. What are some other areas/sectors that we can learn from and build on?

Joining us will be Philip Auerswald, author of The Coming Prosperity: How Entrepreneurs are Transforming the Global Economy and co-editor of the Innovations: Technology, Globalization, Governance Journal; Nick Martin, President and CEO of Tech Change; John Zoltner, Director, Information Technology Application at FHI360; and a host of development and technology practitioners working in mobiles and youth workforce development (mYWD) and related fields. The event will be facilitated by Linda Raftree.

In-person space is limited, so please RSVP now by emailing Matthew French at MFrench@jbsinternational.com. If you are not able to participate in person, please contact Matthew by October 11 for details on joining the session online.

Innovations in Mobile Technology for Youth Workforce Development
Monday, October 15, 2012
9:00 am-12:30 pm EDT
FHI 360 Conference Center
1825 Connecticut Avenue NW 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20009
See map: Google Maps


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Linda Raftree has worked at the intersection of community development, participatory media, rights-based approaches and new information and communication technologies (ICTs) for 20 years. She blogs at Wait... What?
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