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Please Give Feedback on USAID Development Information Solution Pilot

By Wayan Vota on June 10, 2021

USAID is creating a Development Information Solution (DIS) – an Agency-wide portfolio management system to produce high quality, readily available development data by integrating program funding, awards, contract information and development results into a single platform and capture one cohesive development story, from strategy to results.

DIS will benefit implementing partners with:

  • Efficient Reporting: With automated reminders, one-source for data collection, and time-stamped submissions, implementing partners can more easily report results to USAID.
  • Consistent Data Tracking: With DIS, implementing partners can track baselines, targets, and results, and budget metrics associated with their activities to support internal and stakeholder reporting.
  • Improved Coordination with Missions: DIS provides the authoritative historical record and on-demand status updates on results submissions to COR/AORs.

The DIS Partner Portal enables implementing partners to submit indicator results and other award data in one place. The five DIS functional areas focus on key Agency business processes:

  1. Performance Management encompasses management of indicators, performance results and evaluations. Implementing Partners use the DIS Partner Portal to submit narratives and results.
  2. Budget Planning and Monitoring enables USAID to manage program funds and perform financial reviews. CORs/ AORs can review the status of activity obligations and expenditures
  3. Project Design & Acquisition and Assistance Planning captures the data and narratives needed to perform project design and procurement planning. Inputs from partners inform the project design phase of the Program Cycle.
  4. Portfolio Viewer & Reporting provides an at-a-glance view of activity results to meet standard reporting needs and allows users to create custom reports. Activity results entered by implementing partners feed dashboards and reports, and partners can run reports on their activities from the Partner Portal.
  5. Development Data Central Repository The Development Data Library (DDL) and the Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) serve as USAID’s central repositories for all development data on USAID-funded projects. Implementing partners can access DDL and DEC through links within the Partner Portal.

Your DIS Pilot Feedback Requested

USAID Development Information Solution

USAID is implementing a Development Information Solution Pilot to test information collection processes. USAID contractors and grant recipients who collect indicator data under their award terms will be required to submit information to request access to the DIS, and to submit indicator information to the DIS, which is collected under special award requirements unique to each award.

Your comments are requested concerning whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of functions of the agency, including:

  • The practical utility of the information;
  • The accuracy of USAID’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information;
  • Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected;
  • Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents.

USAID plans to require submission of indicator information into DIS under awards issued by the following Pilot missions: El Salvador Bilateral, El Salvador Regional, Ethiopia, Nepal, Peru, Rwanda, South Africa Bilateral, South Africa Regional, Vietnam, Guatemala, Libya, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Philippines and Zimbabwe.

A special requirement will be added to new and existing awards that are issued by the pilot missions, if the award has requirements for indicator information. When award deliverables include relevant performance indicators of the activity’s outputs and outcomes, the contractor or recipient will be required to submit the following indicator information into DIS

Comment Now! Deadline is June 24, 2021

Development Information Solution Future Plans

As the Development Information Solution Pilot progresses, USAID will use information from the pilot to inform rulemaking under Regulation Identifier Number RIN 0412-AA90, which will require contractors and grant recipients to submit digital information required under awards through the DIS, replacing other current methods of submission.

USAID ultimately intends to provide a single web address through which to submit digital information as required by their awards, rather than having to meet multiple submission requirements across multiple systems. USAID Operating Units will be required to migrate their data from current legacy systems into DIS as the new Agency-wide solution.

No USAID Agency-wide official reporting systems will be eliminated with the implementation of DIS. In tandem with the DIS pilot, USAID is pursuing the rulemaking process to reduce the total number of portals through which USAID contractors and recipients are required to submit digital information to USAID. USAID anticipates consolidating existing DEC and DDL submission requirements as part of this rulemaking process.

Filed Under: Data, Government
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Written by
Wayan Vota co-founded ICTworks. He also co-founded Technology Salon, MERL Tech, ICTforAg, ICT4Djobs, ICT4Drinks, JadedAid, Kurante, OLPC News and a few other things. Opinions expressed here are his own and do not reflect the position of his employer, any of its entities, or any ICTWorks sponsor.
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5 Comments to “Please Give Feedback on USAID Development Information Solution Pilot”

  1. Beatrice says:

    It has helped so many people

  2. Mark Suge says:

    This is a great devepment in the capture, process,, implementation and review of USAID projects because under one platform, all users are able to see the same information and data worldwide and in real time. I know many global organizations especially in the supply chain area have done this and benefitted from from real time and accurate information processing improving service delivery and user satisfaction. Congratulations USAID.

  3. Nyerembe Munasa says:

    One would expect the system to be spatial and provide geospatial analysis including trending and predictable analysis for impact and sustanability aspects.

  4. Cheikh NIANG says:

    DIS is a very interesting platform that allows implementation partners to enter data in a simple and efficient way. It also allows us to put all the necessary information that completes the indicators and explanations on the gaps.
    However, for us who have been using it since last year, we have noticed some malfunctions:
    The platform requires a high-speed connection.
    There are many details in the calculation of the indicators
    Sometimes, we have to insist that the data entry is valid.
    It gives error messages without going into details to facilitate the correction.

  5. Wayan Vota says:

    From USAID Industry Liaison Email:

    We want to take this opportunity to provide a brief update on the Agency’s ongoing efforts to advance the Development Information Solution (DIS). We recognize that many Implementing Partners (IPs) are generally familiar with these ongoing pursuits as highlighted in various communications and engagements. For those not familiar with these efforts, please reference the further overview located at https://www.usaid.gov/work-usaid/resources-for-partners/development-information-solution
    The Agency has been continuing to expand the foundation and infrastructure of the DIS across our overseas Missions. To support these efforts, the Agency published a 30-day notice in the Federal Register on May 25, 2021 for a proposed information collection that will allow us to collect indicator information through the DIS. USAID will begin with a 15-Mission pilot where acquisition and assistance awards will be bilaterally modified/amended to require contractors and recipients to submit indicator information through the DIS, following approval of the information collection.
    During the expansion, please be aware that the Agency will not pursue bilateral modifications/amendments to incorporate the requirements beyond the initial 15 pilot Missions. However, we did want to take this opportunity to make you aware of these expansion efforts, and should you wish to further voluntarily preview the initial features within the DIS, you are free to do so based on any information being shared by a Mission with you.
    The Agency is also pursuing rule-making under RIN 0412-AA90 package to expand the development and utilization of the DIS. In the upcoming months, we look forward to working through any comments received during the rule-making process.
    We hope you find this interim update helpful. We very much look forward to continued collaboration throughout these ongoing pursuits to significantly improve reporting and data quality.
    Matthew Johnson
    Communications Director, Office of Acquisition and Assistance (M/OAA)