How We Can Create Digital Jobs for African Youth
At the Technology Salon on “How Can We Create Digital Jobs for African Youth?” our discussion was led by Lauren Dawes, who leads the GSMA’s...
How Can Mobile Services Improve Youth Employment Opportunities?
According to the UN, there are 75 million unemployed youth globally, making youth unemployment one of the biggest challenges for both developing and developed...
The Challenges of Illiteracy and ICT Training in Bhutan
Bhutan’s timeline is unique: formal education was introduced there in 1960, Internet and TV were introduced in 1999, and democracy was introduced in 2008. Because...
Jobs and Skills for Youth: How Telecentres can Make a Difference
A young Romanian completes a Skillage application
The demand for employees with ICT skills in Europe is growing considerably: as many as 900,000 ICT job vacancies...
How Technology Can Support Migratory Children and Youth
The November 14, 2012, Technology Salon NYC focused on ways that ICTs can support work with children who migrate. Our lead discussants were: Sarah Engebretsen and...
What are the Innovations in Mobile Technology for Youth Workforce Development?
RSVP now for Innovations in Mobile Technology for Youth Workforce Development, Monday, October 15, from 9:00 am-12:30 pm EDT.
We’ll have a stimulating and...
How Can We Use Mobile Devices for Youth Workforce Development?
This week the mEducation Alliance* will host its second symposium, bringing together institutions and organizations that are interested in and/or supporting...
Want ICT4D Program Success? Then Hire and Empower Local Staff like David Rodriguez
In the International NGO sector, we often discuss ways that development organizations can better bridge development and ICTs. If you ask me, this video shows one...
ICT must be used in improving the employability of youth
The use of ICT to strengthen youth employability in the developing world ought to be pursued vigorously. To be clear: ICTs aren’t the only route to improving...
How Is Technology Causing Breakthroughs in Youth Economic Opportunity?
At the Making Cents International’s Global Youth Economic Opportunities Conference, the youth and ICTs panel mentioned a few of the many areas where new technologies...