Apply Now: $150,000 Gates Funding for Women’s Health Data
Women’s health continues to be under-represented and poorly measured in global health frameworks.
Current measurement frameworks, such as the Disability-Adjusted...
Apply Now: $500,000 to Bridge the Gender Digital Divide in India
Women’s economic empowerment is critical to sustainable development in India (and globally). Yet, the gender digital divide continues to erode progress in women’s...
Apply Now: £500,000 for Digital Violence Against Women and Girls Reduction Solutions
Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is preventable. We can prevent violence through multiple pathways: by preventing violence before it occurs, particularly...
Apply Now: $85,000 for Women Social Impact ICT Entrepreneurs
Talented women are often told that a career in technology isn’t for them and recent researches shows that investors are hesitant to invest in businesses founded...
How Can African Women Bridge the Digital Gender Gap?
There is a harsh reality in digital development: Women need much more than a phone to bridge the digital gender gap. They needed to overcome the gender norms...
How to Increase Girls Digital Literacy in East Asia and Pacific
The recent UNICEF study Girls’ Digital Literacy in East Asia and Pacific Regions, showed that girls and boys across the region are online in huge numbers, but...
How Girls Access Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Information Online
How can we harness the power of digital technology to improve adolescent girls’ and young women’s SRHR? That was the key question informing Going Online for...
USAID How To Guide for Bringing More Women Online
Internet adoption and mobile phone ownership are on the rise globally, yet 2.7 billion people remain unconnected to the Internet. Within this digital divide, there...
Proven: Education and Mobile Phones Reduce HIV Infections in Women
Despite remarkable progress in the fight against HIV, the number of new infections remains unacceptably high, epidemics continue to grow in certain communities,...
Apply Now: $40,000 Grants for Feminist Internet Research Projects
Creating a feminist internet is critical to bring about transformation in gendered structures of power that exist online and on-ground. The needs of women and gender-diverse...