Use Interactive Voice Response to Reach More African Women
An extract from Strong Connections
As we wind our way slowly through the market in Accra, we stop to visit several clients of Opportunity International Savings...
5 Reasons Digital Financial Services Need Accessible Grievance Redress Mechanisms
India has been innovating in digital financial services with a view to reaching its most marginalised people easily. For instance, social welfare amounts get transferred...
11 AgriTech Findings From West African Smallholder Farmers
The public ICT4Ag discussion is often focused on the use of smartphones and sophisticated applications. This often neglects more traditional channels and can unfairly...
Is the Era of SMS Dead? Long Live Interactive Voice Response!
The death of SMS text messages has been foretold many times in the past. However, they are still the best low-tech way to reach everyone with a mobile phone. Or...
Alexa, When Will Natural Language Processing Revolutionize ICT4D? Your Weekend Long Reads
While ICT4D innovates from the ground up, most tech we use comes from the top. Yes, it takes a little time for the prices of commercial services in Silicon Valley...
Getting Better, Faster Feedback with Mixed Methods in mHealth
There are several projects that use mobile multimedia for health education in hard-to-reach rural settings, where video, being non-textual, enables the educational...