Edutainment is Better Behavior Change with Radio and Mobile Phones
Edutainment is powerful. Nollywood proves we can use edutainment for behavior change. Yet we don’t often use multi-channel communication to empower audiences...
How to Include Marginalized Language Speakers in Development Programs
There are more than 7,000 human languages, yet only those few used by the world’s economically and politically powerful nations have a strong online presence...
Is the Era of SMS Dead? Long Live Interactive Voice Response!
The death of SMS text messages has been foretold many times in the past. However, they are still the best low-tech way to reach everyone with a mobile phone. Or...
How a Mobile Phone Game Found 50,000 High-Quality Client Leads
Climate change has been a growing challenge in Madagascar, with smallholder farmers being particularly affected by increasingly frequent climate shocks. Climate...
Get Your Dream Job in Digital Development – Your Weekend Long Reads
Do you love your job? I mean really love your work? Or do you go to your office every day because that pays the bills?
Might it be time to look for a dream job?...
Six Digital Inclusion Insights – Your Weekend Long Reads
UNESCO, in partnership with Pearson, has released ten case studies of digital solutions that are inclusive for people with low skills and low literacy, helping...
5 Reasons Why Platforms Are Better Than Bespoke Technical Solutions
For many organizations, the struggle to choose between platform and bespoke solutions is becoming more and more unwieldy as technology choices increase exponentially....
The Low-Tech Way to Reach Everyone on Earth
We often focus on new technologies – developing the newest app or handing every teacher a tablet – as if they are magic bullets to solving the world’s...
4 Ways We Can Better Engage Smallholder Farmers Using ICT
An essential component for successfully engaging smallholder farmers using technology comes from providing a voice, a dialogue, with the farmers themselves. This...
6 Ways to Reach Rural Woman via Mobile Phones Even If They Do Not Own One
In order to reach rural women through mobile technology, they need to be able to access phones that work at the precise moment you are trying to engage with them....