3 Examples of Inclusive Digital Transformation in LMIC Government Services
Digital transformation is often hailed as a game-changer for efficiency and innovation in both public and private sectors. However, in many developing countries,...
4 Insights on Assistive AI Solutions for People with Disabilities
Artificial intelligence technologies have the potential to improve the quality of life for marginalized populations, including people with disabilities. However,...
Introducing the Updated Principles for Digital Development
Since their inception in 2014, the Principles for Digital Development have been endorsed by over 300 organizations globally – including donors, multilateral...
New USAID Toolkit on Inclusive AgriTech Digital Solution Design
Digital development solutions have become pervasive around the world, including within resilience, environment, and food security development efforts supported...
USAID How To Guide: Using the Digital Principles in Project Design
USAID design teams should be integrating the Principles for Digital Development into their project and activity design processes. The Digital Principles provide...
10 Common ICT4D Myths Still Relevant 12 Years Later
Information and communication technology is changing the world around us day by day. Most of these changes are, of course, for the better. One of the first groups...
Digital Inclusion is Not Just an Add-on for Tech Policy and Development
The tech world is abuzz about the possibilities that Web3 and the metaverse can offer. Yet, approximately 2.2 billion people living with visual impairments stand...
How to Design Inclusive Digital Programming in International Development
The coronavirus pandemic is creating rapid and dramatic shifts in the global economy and how business is transacted. This disruption is fueling fast-paced innovation...
The Seven A Checklist to Design with the User in Digital Development
By now, pretty much everyone in the digital development space is aware of the first Principle for Digital Development: Design with the User. While it is common...
10 Lessons for Designing Effective Health Financing Products
Health shocks are the most prominent idiosyncratic shocks and stresses that low-income households face, particularly when they affect primary income earners as...