Apply Now: $3 Million to Build Responsible Rights-Respecting AI Policy Approaches
Calibrated cyber and digital policies help form the backbone of our deeply interconnected world, are vital to U.S. national and economic security, and are required...
3 Core Principles for a Feminist Global Digital Compact
The UN Global Digital Compact seeks to outline shared principles for an open, free and secure digital future for all. These core principles of openness, freedom...
10 Ethical Use Principles for Artificial Intelligence in the UN System
Artificial intelligence has profound and dynamic positive and negative impacts on societies, the environment, ecosystems and human lives, including the human mind,...
Have You Read the UNDP Digital Strategy for 2022-2025?
Digital technology is a fundamental force for change in this century, reshaping economies, government, and civil society – thereby impacting almost every aspect...
Breaking News: NETA is the Future of Humanitarian Assistance
The future of humanitarian, development, and peacekeeping assistance is here!
Welcome Earthlings! Hello, my name is AID-UN. I am not a humanoid. I am an aid worker...
5 Ways to Implement 9 UN Principles for Responsible Digital Payments
The transformative power of digital payments will be invaluable in rebuilding economies from the wreckage of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for women and girls...
Apply Now: $25,000 Seed Funding for COVID-19 Digital Response Solutions
The COVID-19 crisis had an unprecedented impact on our society. The crisis has exposed the fragility of the current system’s functioning across the globe, but...
We Must Act on New Guidance for Children’s Rights in the Digital Environment
Recently, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child adopted the eagerly awaited General Comment 25 on ‘children’s rights in relation to the digital environment’....
Please Nominate Your Digital Public Good Software and Data Today!
The Digital Public Goods Alliance is a network of partners from different sectors who contribute to the identification, support, scale-up, and proper use of digital...
A Digital Decade Must Put Local Teams Before Global Technology
Recently, there’s been lots of events around the UN General Assembly on the themes of digital cooperation, and investing in digital public goods to herald a new...