You Are Invited to the 2015 Game Changers Summit
Are you looking to harness the power of ICTs in new ways in development? Do you have an inventive idea that you want to share with the greater ICT community? Do...
The E-Waste Dilemma: Where Do Broken Computers Go?
That question gets pretty complicated based on where you live, and whether you’re talking about individually-owned computers or those held by large corporations....
What’s the Best IT Equipment to Use in Harsh Environments?
ICT4D practitioners work in all kinds of difficult weather conditions and environments. Dust, humidity, unreliable power, heat, and blowing sand can all make it...
Learning from Failure in International Development
Neelley Hicks presenting at the Fail Faire DC conference.
A few years ago I traveled to Angola to provide technology training and tools to a local community. Things...
The Best Practices in the Use of ICTs in Development Are…
How are advances in communications technologies driving transformational change in development? United Methodist Communications recently published a discussion...
Tools of the Mobile-Enabled Disaster Responder
Responding after a natural disaster is one of the most challenging environments an ICT professional can find themselves in. Extreme weather, challenging logistics...
What Are Best Practices in ICT4D?
My name is Neelley Hicks and I am the Director of ICT4D Initiatives at the communications agency of The United Methodist Church. I had the dubious distinction...