Which is the Best Twitter Hashtag for ICT in Education? #ICT4E #ICT4Edu #EdTech #EduTech or Something Else?
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If you follow the #ICT4D hashtag on Twitter, you’ll see a strong, focused conversation around the use of ICT in international...
Technology gets rid of dictators, but not social classes
Since the Arab Spring uprisings, human rights activists worldwide have championed the power of technology, mainly the Internet and mobile phones, as tools for democracy...
#m4D – The Official Twitter Hashtag for Using Mobile Phones for Development
On the Twitter social network, people use hashtags, the “#” symbol followed by letters and numbers or a word to signify a Tweet in relation to a specific...
Social Networking for the Global South: February #ICT4D Twitter Chat Wrap-Up
Without a doubt, social networking has changed the technology landscape in places like Europe and the United States. But what is the role of this technology in the...
Today! #ICT4D Twitter Chat: How Can Social Networking Increase ICT4D?
Don’t forget that we’re having a Twitter Chat today. We want to explore the impact of social networking technologies on businesses and communities in...
How Can Social Networking Increase ICT Usage? February #ICT4D Twitter Chat
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn – these social networking technologies are driving ICT adoption worldwide. They’re also increasing revenues and...
3 Lessons From Failure: ICT4D Twitter Chat Synopsis
While many practitioners and pundits in the ICT4D community agree that the field has had more than its share of failure – with some even claiming an unbroken...
Kenya Blackout: Internet is Up When KPLC is Down
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Last week, there was a countrywide blackout in Kenya. The electrical authority, KPLC, took the national electrical grid offline...
Its Time for a #ICT4D Twitter Chat – Friday, Nov 13
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During last week’s engaging #SocEntChat around mHealth, organized by Ashoka, I started to wonder what other Twitter chats...
Introducing ICT4D Africa Twitters List for FollowFriday
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On the social networking site Twitter, there are many people who talk about ICT4D, and many who talk about Africa. But there...