January #ICT4D Twitter Chat: Working with Local Governments
Local governments – from regional to village level – can be both a help and a hindrance to information and communication technology deployments in the...
3 Lessons From Failure: ICT4D Twitter Chat Synopsis
While many practitioners and pundits in the ICT4D community agree that the field has had more than its share of failure – with some even claiming an unbroken...
Today! #ICT4D Twitter Chat – Learning From Failure
Don’t forget – today we’re having the December ICT4D Twitter Chat – What Have We Learned From Failure?
Starting at 12-noon Eastern Time...
December #ICT4D Twitter Chat: Learning From Failure
For the December #ICT4D Twitter Chat, we’re looking to learn from our mistakes, find common causes, and brainstorm on how to not repeat them in the future...
ICTworks’ Facebook Social Network Strategy
When we were originally thinking about the promotion strategy for ICTworks, we specifically did not want to give it a presence on Facebook. It was our opinion that...
Its Time for a #ICT4D Twitter Chat – Friday, Nov 13
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During last week’s engaging #SocEntChat around mHealth, organized by Ashoka, I started to wonder what other Twitter chats...