What a Cloudy Future of OpenLMIS Means for Open Source Software
OpenLMIS is an open source global good for digital health that was purpose-built to be an electronic logistics management information system (LMIS) for health commodity...
5 Steps to Better Government Supply Chain Technology
Automated information systems are now widely used to manage the data that flows throughout a supply chain, from procuring a commodity, to manufacturing it, and,...
Introducing WEST Principles: 8 Guidelines for Worker Engagement Interventions
Over the last 6 years, the emergence of new worker engagement technologies has sparked industry wide discussions about the value of connecting with workers in a...
Why Agriculture Traceability Matters to Companies, Consumers and Communities
Traceability is the key to buyer confidence and transparent relationships with smallholders to achieve global food security. During June’s ICTforAg conference,...
USAID Lessons Learned in ICT for Distribution and Supply Chain Management in sub-Saharan African Agriculture
Using ICT to manage distribution and supply chains can increase efficiency and predictability and reduce waste in value chains and have positive impacts on all market...