Twitter is Dying. Join Us on Mastodon for Lively ICT4D Discussions
Two years ago, I noted that ICT4D discussions were dead on Twitter. That was very disappointing. The conversations and debates on Twitter from 2008 to around 2014...
Giving Thanks to Ten Digital Development Leaders
Today in the USA it is Thanksgiving, which used to be a day we gave thanks for a bountiful harvest and successful preparations for winter, but now usually means...
Please RSVP: Are Mesh Networks in Development Practical or Preposterous?
We all love the Internet, but we often think of it as a virtual cloud, untouchable by the common person. However, with new advances in computer networking any one...
4 Reasons to Celebrate Facebook Zero in Africa
Facebook has finally launched Facebook Zero in 10 African countries (and 45 countries globally), and I say this is reason to celebrate!
While Kevin Donovan worries...
Village Telco: Rural Voice Services Business Model
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Mobile phones seem to be ubiquitous in the developing world, until you leave the main population centers. Then service drops...