How to Accurately Predict Technology Project Budgets Using Earned Value Management
We’ve all been there. A technology project is half-way through its lifetime, yet used 60% of its funding.
Is it overspent? Is it on track? Or almost as bad,...
The Top 10 ICT4D Project Failures Will Surprise You
What day-to-day failures do you expect to happen most in your ICT4D projects? Laptop theft? Viruses? Outright malfeasance? I worry every day about the risks to...
It’s 2017, You Should be Localizing Your ICT4D Solutions Already
Many ICT4D projects have a major strike against them before they even begin: they use international languages instead of local ones. The intended audience not only...
4 Requirements for Technology Project Sustainability
I am often called in to help when a technology project has gone awry. For example, once a partner organization gifted a network-attached storage server (NAS) to...