How Open Web Applications Can Improve Your Digital Health Solution
OpenMRS is one of the best examples of a successful digital health global good. Right now this electronic medical records software supports almost 9 million patients...
Apply Now: $100,000 Grant Funding for Open Source Software Projects
Expensive mainstream software from advanced markets isn’t appropriate for many specialized contexts in international development. Open Source software has...
7 Transformative Digital Health Trends in International Development
At the recent OpenHIE Community Meeting, I was able to meet with a wide range of digital health practitioners working for governments, donors, and implementing...
6 Ways to Be Data Efficient When Developing Mobile Apps for African ICT4D Projects
Here is what I’ve learned about being data efficient when developing mobile phone applications. The first and foremost thing, is to please the user by reducing...
The Software Skills That Pay the Most in 2018
We are often asked by a lot of software developers what are the most in-demand programming skills and how the market is developing. So, we’ve taken a dive into...
Six Lessons Learned in Moving FAO to Software as a Service Solutions
The IT Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has overall responsibility for meeting the IT needs of over 12,000 employees...
How to Buy M&E Software and Not Get Bamboozled
While there is no way to guarantee that M&E software will solve all of your problems or make all of your colleagues happy, there are three things you can...
How We Can Improve Open Source Software Projects
Next year will mark 20 years since the term “open source software” was officially coined, and the “free software” movement has been around even longer....
3 Tensions with Software Sustainability in ICT4D
At the Software Sustainability Institute, we are dedicated to making software a bonafide research output, and we argue that good software practices create better...
The Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of Choosing an M&E Platform
At the recent MERL Tech conference, Tania Lee (Caktus Group), Tom Walker (Engine Room), Laura Walker McDonald (SIMLab), and Lynnae Day (Oxfam America) led a session...