5 Stages of Digital Adoption by Smallholder Farmers in Southeast Asia
There are over 70 million small family farms in Southeast Asia. These farming businesses typically face a range of challenges in accessing credit, advice, and markets....
Invest in FM Radio to Improve Smallholder Farmer Outcomes
ICTs and smallholder farmers’ livelihood improvement in Tanzania builds on secondary data sources and in-depth interviews to explore the role of ICTs in promoting...
Apply Now! $2 Million for Smallholder Farmer AgriTech Solutions
Agriculture is by far the most important economic activity in Africa, employing about two-thirds of the continent’s working population. Yet agricultural productivity...
8 Lessons Learned to Improve ICT-enabled FM Radio Station Sustainability
Recently, the African Farm Radio Research Initiative sought to test the effectiveness of a new radio campaign model developed by Farm Radio International: the participatory...
FM Radio is mAgriculture to Small-Scale African Farmers
I am a big fan of FM radio. From my days at IESC Geekcorps, I saw how this “old” technology was still impressive in its reach, cost-effectiveness,...