Register Now: $4 Billion in USAID Funding for African Country Programs
The official USAID Business Forecast lists over $4 Billion in new funding for programs to improve health, education, agriculture, and civil society in 20 countries...
Apply Now: $1.5 Million Smart Agriculture Grants from Gates Foundation
Smallholder farmers suffer from fundamental challenges to improving their own food security and their communities nutritional resilience. They face low agriculture...
Apply Now: 1,500,000€ for Tech-Enabled Sustainable Urban Development
In an increasingly urban world, where 70% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050, cities are on the front line of development challenges...
Creating an Afrofeminist Internet for African Women
A year ago, we wanted to understand how online gender-based violence manifests across Africa, and how technology companies, which are often based out of Africa,...
Apply Now: $1,000,000 for African Online Safety Solutions from Google
Over 500 million people have access to the Internet on the African continent – 40% of the population. Over 250 million Africans use smartphones for going...
Apply Now: $150,000 Grants for Community Internet Services Solutions
There is still digital divide around the world, regardless of how many people have access to mobile phones, 3G wireless coverage, or community telecenters. As the...
Apply Now: $250,000 for Digital Remittance Solutions to Support Migrants
As the world suffers coronavirus’ socioeconomic repercussions, global remittances are slowing substantially. Countries with high COVID-19 cases host 75% of...
How COVID-19 is Testing Digital Resilience in Senegal’s Education Sector
I’ve been working to innovate education in Senegal for over ten years as the founder of CyberSmart Africa. These days, I see that COVID-19 offers a real-time...
Apply Now: 10 Million CHF to Improve Adolescent Wellbeing with Technology
Young people between the ages of 10-24 should be central actors in shaping the world they live in. They are early adopters of new digital applications, and could...
Apply Now: €180,000 for Digital Solutions on Gender, Climate, EduTech
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) describe the greatest challenges and needs of our time and define clear goals for addressing them. Achieving these goals...