Apply Now! 1 Million Euros for African ICT4D Projects Supporting the SDGs
Are you working on a digital development solution to support the Sustainable Development Goals in one of the 14 partner countries of the Belgian bilateral cooperation?...
3 Digital Health Innovations to Watch in 2018
The digital health field is moving fast, and new innovations are affecting how healthcare is designed, deployed, and measured. We think there are three innovations...
Why Digital Skills Really Matter for ICT4D Projects – Your Weekend Long Reads
In an increasingly online world, people need digital skills to work and live productively. One of the major barriers to digital uptake is a lack of these skills.
Now Scientific Fact: Mobile Money Can Lift Women Out of Poverty
For nearly four years, we have been sharing information about the various ways that gender and mobile intertwine in our Gender and Mobile newsletter. In our...
Using Smartphones to Fight Africa’s Second Greatest Killer
Want a fun statistic to share at the watercooler? In Rwanda, a very safe country by regional standards, you are 365 times more likely to be killed in a traffic...
Think: A Tigo Rwanda Start-Up Incubator Idea Gone Bad
thinkRwanda is a new mobile application incubator in Kigali, founded by Tigo Rwanda. It is now accepting applications for a first round of start-ups, who will get...
3 ICT4E Initiatives Using Technology to Improve Education in Rwanda
The Technology Salon on How is ICT Impacting Education in Rwanda? in Washington, DC featured lead discussants David Rurangirwa, ICT/Education Specialist for USAID/Rwanda,...
The 4 Key ICT Sector Challenges for Rwandan Socio-Economic Transformation
The Rwanda ICT Sector Profile for the year 2012 is a compilation of indicators that have been selected to measure the Rwanda’s ICT sector performance and track...
Happy Holidays with an Uplifting Video of iPods in Education in Rwanda
Here is an uplifting ICT4E story where Edify is using Teachermate software on iPods to improve educational outcomes in Rwanda and Ghana. Watch the video above...
Apply Now for TechWomen: a Professional Mentorship and Exchange Program
Harnessing the power of business, technology and innovation, TechWomen brings emerging women leaders in technology sectors from the Middle East and Africa together...