Female Perspectives on How Gender Matters in ICT4D Research
Gender and development constitute a well-accepted and critical orthodoxy in the field of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D). Promoting...
5 Reasons Digital Financial Services Need Accessible Grievance Redress Mechanisms
India has been innovating in digital financial services with a view to reaching its most marginalised people easily. For instance, social welfare amounts get transferred...
Surprise! Skilled Young Men Benefit Most from 3G Mobile Internet Access
Enabling universal access to the internet is deemed as a critical step towards achieving prosperity in developing countries.The digital landscape in Sub-Saharan...
5 Ways to Get Women to Use Your AgriTech Application Innovation
While being a part of ICTforAg was a great chance to reconnect and learn, it is amazing to me that we need to have conversations about the need to engage female...
Are You Guilty of Helping Safaricom Prey on Rural Women?
There are multiple development initiatives to increase women’s ownership and usage of mobile phones – everyone from GSMA to USAID to Mobile Network...
6 Ways to Reach Rural Woman via Mobile Phones Even If They Do Not Own One
In order to reach rural women through mobile technology, they need to be able to access phones that work at the precise moment you are trying to engage with them....
The Bi-Weekly ICT4D Retrospective: Important Links for March 14 – 27, 2012
Activist and Citizen Journalists: We saw it throughout the Arab Spring and most recently in Syria. Then and now, activists and citizen journalists fill a media...