What Are the Industry’s Top ICT Hardware Challenges?
You are in a minority. Yes, you.
I single you out because, as you read this article online (perhaps on a phone or a tablet or even a MacBook Pro), you are part of...
No Electricity Means No Internet: It’s Time to Bridge the Gap!
“I came to Uganda to run the technical side of a mobile phone company. Instead, I was running the largest diesel fuel distribution company in the country—in...
5 Steps to Social Innovation with ICT
IICD uses a distinctive participatory and multi-stakeholder approach in developing social innovation programs with information and communication technologies.
USAID Assessment of Market Information Systems in Africa
This Assessment of Market Information Systems in Africa briefing paper presents the results of an assessment carried out to explore the current use of sustainable...
Key Takeaways from the World Bank’s 2012 Maximizing Mobile Report
As of 2012, nearly three-quarters of the world’s population has access to a mobile phone. Soon it will be common knowledge that the developing world is more dependent...
Do Public Access Computing Centers Have a Direct Impact on Development?
Measuring the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) for community development is critical, yet it remains elusive.
Users’ Perceptions...
The Complete List of 79 Academic ICT4D Journals and Publications
One source of continuous frustration for ICT4D academic researchers is the glacial pace of academia. One has to submit papers 8 months in advance for conferences...
Get an ICT4D Job! Africa, Europe, United States
Community Support Manager: FrontlineSMS is seeking a Community Support Manager to be based in Nairobi. The incumbent will help to develop and maintain the vibrant...
Be Aware of Participant Response Bias in ICT4D Product Development
I am Nicki Dell, a PhD student at the University of Washington in Seattle. I’d like to tell you about a project that I did recently during an internship at Microsoft...
Putting Problems Before Solutions in Development
Problem solving, in any context, begins with discovery, research, and scoping. It’s no different in international development. Yet too often, in the early stages...