Research Reports in ICT4D Improve Development Outcomes
Research reports in ICT4D (Information and Communication Technologies for Development) present the findings of research studies on the use of technology to support development goals and address social and economic challenges in developing countries. These reports include an introduction, a literature review, a description of the research methods used, the results of the study, and a discussion of the implications of the findings.
Research reports on ICTworks focus on a wide range of topics, including the use of technology in education, healthcare, agriculture, financial inclusion, and other sectors. They are based on qualitative or quantitative research methods, and may involve the collection of data from a variety of sources, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and case studies.
Research reports are an important source of information and knowledge about the impact and potential of technology for development. They can be used by policy makers, development organizations, and other stakeholders to inform the design and implementation of development projects and initiatives, and to identify areas for further research and exploration.
Published on: Feb 19 2020 by Guest Writer - Comments Off on Can We Use IVR to Improve Care of People Living with HIV and AIDS?
The last decade has seen a rise in the use of mobile phones in developing countries. In the paper, Supporting Treatment of People Living with HIV / AIDS in Resource...
The international attention received by ‘I’d Blush if I Could’, a newly released publication from UNESCO and the EQUALS Skills Coalition, has helped highlight...
One of the basic assumptions within the dominant development discourse is that new information and communication technology have a great potential for boosting...
Published on: Sep 04 2019 by Guest Writer - Comments Off on 5 Ways to Improve Data Use by Government Health Ministries
Despite the growing recognition that quality, timely, and accessible data are essential to every country’s ability to deliver vaccines effectively to its population,...
Published on: Aug 14 2019 by Wayan Vota - Comments Off on The Main Drivers of Mobile Phone Ownership Will Surprise You
Mobile phone services were introduced in Nigeria in 2001. Yet, we still don’t really know who owns a mobile phone in Africa’s most populous country....
Artificial intelligence (AI) has potential to drive game-changing improvements for underserved communities in global health. In response, The Rockefeller Foundation...
Secondary school students in Cameroon spend the entire last month of their final year in school preparing for their Baccalaureate. Passing it and scoring well marks...
Back in the day, One Laptop Per Child promised a digital revolution in education. By handing out “$100 laptops” to children, and for the most part sidelining...
Published on: Mar 13 2019 by Guest Writer - Comments Off on Four Surprising Ways Mode and Gender Can Transform Your Survey Data
With the enormous growth of mobile connectivity in developing countries and the proliferation of apps enabling easy collection of data via mobile technologies,...
One of the most discussed technologies today is distributed ledger technology, a decentralized system for recording transactions with mechanisms for processing,...