What Digital Technology Systems Are Procured by African Governments?
What does the public know about transparency and safeguards in the procurement and deployment of Digital Technology Systems in Africa, including biometric identification,...
8 Ways to Digitize Your MERL Practices During COVID-19 Response
All of a sudden you’re stuck at home because of the new coronavirus. You’re looking at your monitoring and evaluation commitments and your programme requirements...
Three Reasons Why You Need to Collaborate with Religious Leaders
As an international development professional, based in one country and often working in others, how do you reach your audience? How can you understand what’s...
How Interactive Radio Can Improve Feedback and Accountability
Farm Radio International’s Listening Post is a methodology for collecting real-time, unfiltered feedback from farmers through a multi-channel platform linked...
Please RSVP Now for MERL Tech 2017 and Submit Your Session Ideas
Please sign up to present, register to attend, or reserve a demo table for MERL Tech DC 2017 on September 7-8, 2017 at FHI 360 in Washington, DC.
We will engage...
How to Mine All Your Existing M&E Data Without Breaking the Bank
A common challenge faced by organizations in a world where information systems are changing rapidly is a large amount of data that is not easily accessible. The...
10 Tips on Using New ICTs for Qualitative Monitoring and Evaluation
At the October Technology Salon NYC, we focused on ways that ICTs can be used for qualitative monitoring and evaluation (M&E) efforts that aim to listen better...
How Do We Break Oscar Night Syndrome in ICT4D M&E?
No one ever fails in ICT4D. Isn’t that amazing! Technologies come and go quickly – bye, bye PDA’s, Windows Vista, and soon Nokia – yet...