The Number One Indicator of ICT4D Project Financial Sustainability
We often talk about project sustainability in information and communication for technology (ICT4D) programs, and as a result, we have multiple guides on how to...
Want DFID Grant Funding? Then Use Digital Principles in Your Proposals
The Department for International Development (DFID) is a United Kingdom government department responsible for administering £10.9 billion GBP in overseas aid....
Apply Now: £130,400 to Fly UAV Drones for DFID and UNICEF
There are multiple uses of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for aerial mapping and medical supply activities like blood and drug deliveries. However, the majority...
Apply Now: $11,250,000 for Your Humanitarian Technology Innovations
Today, over 201 million people require humanitarian assistance. Millions of the most vulnerable people in conflict zones are currently unreachable by traditional...
Apply Now: £1.1 Million in Grants for Humanitarian Technology Solutions
The GSMA Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation Fund promotes innovation in the use of mobile technology to address humanitarian challenges. It supports solutions to...
Apply Now: $250,000 Project Funding for FinTech Innovations
More than 90% of companies in the developing countries of Asia and the Pacific are micro, small and medium sized companies (MSMEs) and 40% experience constraints...
DHIRT: How Donors Will Evaluate Your Digital Health Proposal
It’s no secret that donors like USAID, DFID, and the Gates Foundation, and national governments struggle to evaluate digital health solutions embedded in program...
Apply Now: $100,000 Grant Funding for Open Source Software Projects
Expensive mainstream software from advanced markets isn’t appropriate for many specialized contexts in international development. Open Source software has...
Apply Now: $300,000 USAID Contracts for Digital Agriculture Solutions
Feed the Future is the U.S. Government’s global hunger & food security initiative. The USAID Bureau for Food Security wants to integrate digital tools and...
Apply Now: 1,750,000€ African Climate Smart Agriculture Grant Funding
Agricultural systems worldwide are facing a triple challenge: how to sustainably increase productivity, while reducing the impact of agriculture on climate change,...