Apply Now: $75,000 for African Digital Innovation Startup Companies
Small and medium-sized businesses are key to digital innovation in African countries. They are creating tomorrow’s solutions today: accelerating digitally...
Apply Now! $100,000 UNDP Grant Funding to Scale Your Digital Solution
UNDP created the Chief Digital Office in 2019 and observed hundreds of digital projects and challenges faced by UNDP, governments, and partners. From this experience,...
Apply Now: $1 Million Cisco Global Social Problem Solver Challenge
We need to inspire and empower a generation of global problem solvers who will create innovative technology solutions to solve the world’s most pressing social...
Apply Now: $200,000 for Youth-Led Social Impact Digital Solutions
The world is facing multiple problems today. Millions of children are still out of school due to COVID-19, which is exacerbating and exposing massive education,...
Apply Now: €160,750 for African Civic Participation Technology Innovations
There is an acute need for meaningful participation by African citizens in addressing and solving governance and development challenges across the continent.
Apply Now: £250,000 for Climate Resilience and Adaptation Programmes
We will soon witness the unavoidable effects of climate change over the next few decades even as the global community works to limit global warming. People around...
Apply Now: $250,000 for Open Source COVID-19 Digital Health Solutions
As the COVID-19 Digital Response continues to create global goods with scalable digital solutions using open standards and approaches, there is a need to focus...
Apply Now: $800,000 for IPv6 Deployment in the Asia Pacific Region
IPv6 address space is a public resource that must be managed in a prudent manner for the long-term interests of Internet access. Responsible address space management...
Apply Now: $7.5 Million USD to Grow Your Facebook Group Community Impact
Social media can be a force for good in developing countries. People can use platforms like Facebook Groups to create a positive impact on the broader world by...
Is It Finally Time to Retire Sustainability in ICT4D?
Talk – and debate – of the term “sustainability” in ICT4D is nothing new. The theme has been discussed on ICTworks for more than a decade....