New USAID Toolkit on Inclusive AgriTech Digital Solution Design
Digital development solutions have become pervasive around the world, including within resilience, environment, and food security development efforts supported...
7 Step Guide to Making Your Digital Development Program Sustainable
While there are how to guides and toolkits to plan the initial implementation of a digital development program, there are fewer guides for the issues that organizations...
Why Digital Skills Really Matter for ICT4D Projects – Your Weekend Long Reads
In an increasingly online world, people need digital skills to work and live productively. One of the major barriers to digital uptake is a lack of these skills.
Basic Mobile Internet Skills Training Toolkit
Mobile phones are much more than just a tool for making calls. Increasingly they are the primary way people across the world access the internet. Whilst the internet...
USAID Practitioners Toolkit: Interactive Radio for Agricultural Development Projects
For decades now, radio has been a dominant source of information for farmers in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Although the reach of radio varies from country to country,...