What a Cloudy Future of OpenLMIS Means for Open Source Software
OpenLMIS is an open source global good for digital health that was purpose-built to be an electronic logistics management information system (LMIS) for health commodity...
Apply Now: $600,000 in Grant Funding for Your Digital Health Solution
Do you have an existing digital health solution? Do you need grant funding to support its sustained development? Does your software rank well on Digital Square’s...
4 Ways We Overcame ICT4D Pilotitis in Vietnam
We all know the dangers of “pilotitis” in the ICT4D and mHealth space. The potential for new ideas and innovations is seemingly limitless, but challenges arise...
3 Recommendations to Scale Digital Health Interventions by Institutionalizing Them in Service Delivery Systems
The digital health community is on a journey to deliver health impact. We have achieved considerable success in the past decade, demonstrating that information...
Smart Connect: a SMS communication appliance for rural healthcare
The first SMS, or “text” message, was sent over Vodafone’s network in December 1992. By most accounts, it read simply “Merry Christmas.” Using just fifteen...