Watch Now: Six Digital Health Global Goods Explained
We are excited to share a new series of videos on digital health global goods that TechChange has developed in partnership with USAID, PATH/Digital Square.
New OpenLMIS Public-Private Partnership for Open Source Sustainability
OpenLMIS is looking toward the future. After launching in 2012 in two countries, OpenLMIS has grown to serve over 11,000 health facilities across 9 African countries....
OpenLMIS is Seeking the Next Chapter in Open Source Sustainability
OpenLMIS is the leading logistics system used to track health products across national supply chains. It is also open source software, which is a key reason for...
What a Cloudy Future of OpenLMIS Means for Open Source Software
OpenLMIS is an open source global good for digital health that was purpose-built to be an electronic logistics management information system (LMIS) for health commodity...