Fail Festival 2014: Failure Happens and Flowers Grow From It
At a typical development meeting, the person responsible for an epic fail would slip into a trapdoor and be consumed by sharks with freakin’ lasers. Yet at...
Please RSVP Now for Fail Fest DC 2014
Failure. No one likes to admit they failed. Yet, failure is normal. We all fail. More importantly, we must fail! Failure is the only true mark of leadership, innovation,...
Fail Fest DC 2013: Cathartic and Comedic
On Thursday night, Washington DC celebrated failure in international development as a mark of leadership, innovation, and risk-taking in pushing the boundaries...
RSVP Now for Fail Festival 2013: A Celebration of Failure in Development
Failure is the f-word of international development. Unspoken in polite company, but a reality in our work. We’re often in market failure environments,...
RSVP Now to Debate MOOCs Impact in the Developing World
Stanford, Harvard, MIT, and many more top name universities are launching Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to hundreds, and hundred of thousands of students....
What are the Innovations in Mobile Technology for Youth Workforce Development?
RSVP now for Innovations in Mobile Technology for Youth Workforce Development, Monday, October 15, from 9:00 am-12:30 pm EDT.
We’ll have a stimulating and...