4 Challenges to Reaching 3.8 Billion Mobile Internet Users by 2020
According to new data released by GSMA Intelligence, 3.8 billion people or half of the world’s population will be using mobile devices to access the Internet...
An African LTE Mobile Network Future
This entry is part 4 of 6 in my series Africa and Spectrum 2.0
If you follow communication infrastructure in Africa, you would be forgiven if you have begun to...
Please RSVP for Mobiles! What Have We Learned? Where Are We Going?
Over the last decade, as mobile technologies have become more ubiquitous, they have moved from the fringes of international development activities into core platforms...
10 Observations on Technology in Africa from Eric Schmidt of Google
After a week of business meetings in the cities of sub-Saharan Africa, Eric Schmidt posted a detailed list of observations. As he used to run Google and is still...
3 Reasons Why the Kenyan Mobile Tariff Price War Matters to ICT Companies
Kenyan consumers are rightly excited that the mobile phone company Zain, now owned by Bharti Airtel, has kicked off a price war with just announced unprecedented...
The Availability of Prepaid Mobile Data Plans in All 53 African Countries
Kevin Donovan and Jonathan Donner believe that prepaid ICT access models are more appropriate for poorer consumers and the availability of prepaid mobile data will...
Facebook Zero: Web Chang’aa for Africa
As we’ve already discussed, Facebook is driving ICT adoption in Africa. Just look at the amazing statistic that Moses Kemibaro found: 2 million Kenyans are...