Generative AI Now Proven to Advance Learning Outcomes in Nigeria
We know that students receiving one-on-one tutoring outperform peers who only have traditional classroom instruction. However, individualized learning programs...
Apply Now: $1 Million Claude AI Credits from US State Department
Civil society groups are using mobile phones to document human rights abuses around the world. Then they use social media and online messaging to advocate for more...
4 Ways to Stop Digital Colonialism in International Development
Digital colonialism is an emerging challenge in the global ICT4D landscape. While it mirrors traditional colonialism, it operates through control over digital infrastructure...
Can Digital Community Centers Be Financially Sustainable?
To bridge the digital divide, digital community centers — physical spaces that provide access to the internet, technology devices, and digital skills — have...
Open Question for AI4Good: AI for (whose) good?
In recent years, AI for Good (AI4G) – or also AI for Social Good (AI4SG) – has become a catchy label for initiatives, gatherings and funding calls, all revolving...
Apply Now: $250,000 Generative AI Solution Grants for Social Impact
Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize how we tackle global challenges thanks to its unparalleled ability to scale — but only if applied with awareness...
Caution: Free Generative AI Solutions Like ChatGPT Don’t Understand USAID – Yet
I know you are excited to explore consumer-grade tools like ChatGPT in your work. We had a Technology Salon that asked how Generative AI solutions can improve international...
How You Can Responsibly Share Data in Digital Development
Whenever the issue of sharing data securely between partners or donors comes up, everyone always wants to talk about the don’ts.
Don’t share via Dropbox;
Please RSVP Now: USAID Digital Development Forum Central America
June 23-24 – San Salvador – RSVP Now
Over the past decade, mobile Internet access has rapidly expanded across Central America to cover nearly 90% of...
How to Implement an ICT4D Strategy in an International Development Organization
The growing access to information and communication technologies in developing communities is having a transformative effect on the way in which international relief...