How Can We Better Manage Informal Feedback?
Institutional deficits persistently obstruct our ability to ‘close the feedback loop.’ The most valuable community feedback is often given informally or face...
Rethinking Informed Consent in Digital Development
Most INGOs have not updated their consent forms and policies for many years, yet the growing use of technology in our work, for many different purposes, raises...
Lessons From a MERL Tech Confessional: It’s All About Assumptions
It’s been said that good science is the art of getting less wrong over time. Maybe the same principle applies to the use of technology for monitoring, evaluation,...
How to Mine All Your Existing M&E Data Without Breaking the Bank
A common challenge faced by organizations in a world where information systems are changing rapidly is a large amount of data that is not easily accessible. The...
We Need to Ask the Difficult Questions About Collaboration and Collective Impact
No single organization can solve the challenges that the international development sector addresses. Collectively, we can achieve a lot more. Collaboration is...
9 Tricks for Hacking Google Sheets for Better M&E
Google Sheets can be a powerful tool for real-time monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning. But how can you optimize your setup to work with data that is...
Please Register Now for MERL Tech 2016
Please register now for MERL Tech 2016, the premier conference on the use of technology for monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning. Over 300 of your peers...
Please RSVP Now for MERL Tech 2016 and Submit Your Session Ideas
The use of technology for monitoring, evaluation research and learning (MERL) has become increasingly sophisticated and more openly accepted in the international...
5 Insights from MERL Tech
Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in the 2015 MERL Tech conference that brought together over 260 people from 157 different organizations. I joined...
The Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of Choosing an M&E Platform
At the recent MERL Tech conference, Tania Lee (Caktus Group), Tom Walker (Engine Room), Laura Walker McDonald (SIMLab), and Lynnae Day (Oxfam America) led a session...