Reduce Your Digital Activism Ignorance Ratio with KNIME
A few year ago, we ran a campaign targeting the Guatemalan Government, which generated a good deal of global public support (100,000 signatures, online activism,...
5 Fantastic Guides to Developing Project Monitoring and Evaluation Programs
Development professionals work to make positive change happen through their programs and initiatives. However, it is very hard for them to measure their projects’...
How to Help Community-Based mHealth Programs Collect High-Quality Data
As health programs are relying more on decentralized models of care, mHealth has made it easier to collect, manage and store community-level health data. This data...
Are Messaging Apps and Emoji-Driven M&E a Game-Changing Innovation?
Ten years ago, very few people mentioned cell phones and M&E in the same sentence. Phones were for phone calls, or for texting friends; monitoring surveys were...
4 Reasons for Large Scale SMS Text Surveys in Developing Countries
We know that SMS is a cheap, convenient, easy to adapt and automate, and non-intrusive way to collect data. But compared to face to face or phone interviews, text...
9 Considerations for Seamless Mobile MERL Solutions
With mHealth a fast growing component of health delivery systems, many organisations are developing mobile and digital solutions to tackle health problems around...
The Biased State of Gender Disaggregated M&E Data
Recently, we sent out a survey on international development experiences with gender data to help inform the MERL Tech conference. We asked whether international...
How to Apply Agile Principles to International Development M&E
We all want to be good at our jobs. We want to accomplish the things we set out to do. If we aren’t accomplishing them, we want to figure out why or try new solutions.
Using Indirect Data for Direct MERL Impact
The above example shows how secondary data across 100 hypothetical villages can be integrated so that signals appear within the noise of data, highlighting the...
How to Develop and Implement Responsible Data Policies
A friend reminded me at the MERL Tech Conference that a few years ago when we brought up the need for greater attention to privacy, security and ethics when using...