3 Reasons to be Savvy on Software as a Service Solutions in International Development
We’ve all been there. You’re working with an organization or government to help chart a path towards stronger data management practices. Key staff are excited...
Please Submit Session Ideas for MERL Tech Johannesburg
Please submit your session idea or reserve your demo table for MERL Tech Jozi, to explore what’s happening with innovation, digital data, and new technologies...
What Data Superpower Do You Wish For?
We all are awash in data. Waves of it, breaking over our heads, that can feel like it’s drowning us some days. But what if we take a step back, climb out...
Learning from MERL Through Visual Storytelling
As evaluators, we know that if we want data to be used for learning and adapting, the data itself must be easily accessible. We’ve found that visualizing data...
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Using IATI Results Data
It didn’t surprise me when I learned that — when Ministry of Finance officials conduct trainings on the Aid Management Platform for Village Chiefs, CSOs and...
Three Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Reshape Monitoring and Evaluation
The rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence – computers behaving like humans, and performing tasks which people usually carry out – promises to transform...
How to Buy M&E Software and Not Get Bamboozled
While there is no way to guarantee that M&E software will solve all of your problems or make all of your colleagues happy, there are three things you can...
Please Submit Your Session Ideas for MERL Tech London
Please submit a session idea, register to attend, or reserve a demo table for MERL Tech London, on March 20-21, 2018, for in-depth sharing and exploration of...
What Data Do Our Constituents Want to Count?
Here is an interesting idea from Amanda Makulec that merits pondering:
Let’s ask users: “What do YOU want to count?” instead of just collecting...
Please RSVP Now for MERL Tech 2017 and Submit Your Session Ideas
Please sign up to present, register to attend, or reserve a demo table for MERL Tech DC 2017 on September 7-8, 2017 at FHI 360 in Washington, DC.
We will engage...