Could Digital Public Infrastructure be a Reason for Trump 2.0 to Fund USAID?
At a recent Technology Salon on USAID under Trump 2.0, one of the participants put forth an interesting question for us to consider: Could digital public infrastructure...
Introducing the 6 Principles for Subnational Data Use for Development
Calls for more inclusive development activity, aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and an increasingly complex set of development actors...
It’s Time to Connect African Entrepreneurs to Global Venture Capital
When it comes to innovation, Africa has an abundance of entrepreneurial talent. Nowhere is early-stage, technology-driven innovation more exciting than it is in...
Maps, Land, Technology and Decisions – Lessons from ICTforAg
How do you approach challenges such as those found in Indonesia, a country composed of 17,000 islands made up of wetlands, rugged terrain, rural villages, and dense...
Celebrate The New USAID Data-Driven Website
USAID has been busy lately with a redesign and roll-out of the new You can now access first-generation interactive maps at the country level for 40 missions.