Lessons Learned From Working Firsthand in Malawi’s ICT Sector
My name is Herman Fung and I’m a former VSO volunteer in Malawi. In March 2014, I completed an 18-month voluntary placement where I worked with the Ministry...
A GIS First Step Towards Open Data in USAID Grant Requirements
Have you read the recent USAID/Malawi RFA for The Girls’ Empowerment through Education and Health Activity (ASPIRE)? There on page 13, wedged between the...
Software Solutions to Four Main Challenges Facing Local Civic Groups
Civil society groups, political parties and government institutions around the world all face challenges when it comes to organizing and communicating. But in the...
Apply for $15,000 to Test Mobile Money Payment Systems
Does your organization uses physical cash in operations or programming to implement a development project in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Haiti, Indonesia, Malawi,...
ICTworks Interview with Clement Nyirenda, a Malawian ICT Blogger in Japan
Now what could be more surprising than a Malawian blogging about ICT in his country while studying in Japan? How about the high quality of Clement Nyirenda’s...
$100 Million USAID Opportunity for mHealth in Malawi
Check out this 5-year, $100 Million RFA released by USAID, “Malawi Support for Integrated Service Delivery.”
Reading this RFA I couldn’t help...
6 Lessons ICT4D Practitioners Can Learn From PlayPumps Failure
Children playing on merry-go-rounds can pump ground water to a storage tank, and ads on that tank can pay for pump maintenance. That’s the simple idea behind...