Why is IVR more popular in South Asia, while SMS is more accepted in Africa?
Recently at an mHealth meeting, I overheard an interesting comment. One of the speakers mentioned that Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is popular in South Asia...
Join a Live Debate: Is mHealth an Extender or Disruptor of Existing Healthcare Infrastructure?
New technologies in healthcare offer the opportunity for significant changes in how problems are identified, addressed and solved. Mobile technologies, in particular,...
Interact with SMS Demo and Live Debate at mHealth Summit 2010
At mHealth Summit 2010, Inveneo is running a live conference SMS system where you can participate in both an SMS Demo and Live Debate from anywhere in the world.
Get Your Project Funded at mHealth Summit 2010
Do you have a promising mHealth program that needs key funding to start or scale? Would you want face time with decision makers at organizations that are looking...
$100 Million USAID Opportunity for mHealth in Malawi
Check out this 5-year, $100 Million RFA released by USAID, “Malawi Support for Integrated Service Delivery.”
Reading this RFA I couldn’t help...
Why mHealth Initiatives Should Not be Sustainable
Whenever we talk about mHealth, there is always much hand-wringing around sustainability. And by that we usually mean we want to find the mHealth model that can...