What Does USAID Business Forecast Say About Locally Led Development?
Yesterday, USAID published its 1st Quarter Business Forecast. It covered many procurement themes for the world’s largest bilateral donor organization. Today,...
How InkubaLM is Revolutionizing Locally-Led Development in Africa
Language diversity on the African continent is both a cultural strength and a technological challenge. With over 2,000 spoken languages, mainstream artificial intelligence...
Ignite Innovation with Localization of Digital Transformation Course
Prepare to embark on a transformative journey into the heart of digital innovation with the Localization of Digital Transformation course from NetHope’s...
Aid Evolved Podcast: Why Is It So Hard for Local Organizations to Manage USAID Funding?
Aid, Evolved is a podcast about technology, poverty, and global health. Every two weeks we bring you a new episode about doing good, better. We speak first-hand...
It’s 2017, You Should be Localizing Your ICT4D Solutions Already
Many ICT4D projects have a major strike against them before they even begin: they use international languages instead of local ones. The intended audience not only...