Respect Myanmar’s Ethnic Diversity: Use Unicode Fonts Online
Burmese is the dominant language of Myanmar, but its had a long and winding journey in the digital realm, and now there is a tension between two competing systems...
In ICT4D Beneficiaries vs. Constituents, What About Client-Driven Development?
Back in October, Wayan challenged us to please stop using the term “beneficiaries” in development conversations, replacing it with “constituents”...
Language as a Cultural Barrier in ICT4E Deployments
When I started working on my ICT4E project a few months back, I thought I had all of my bases covered. It’s easy to fall into that groove. I learned quickly,...
What if I gave you a fully loaded Macbook Air filled with content in Klingon?
That is what I think many good intentioned people do when they install computer systems without locally relevant content – they deploy the equivalent of a...
Gaining Advantages Through Languages – of Code
When people talk of the many languages of Africa, and need for localized content, they’re often thinking about English, French, Kiswalhili, or Xhosa.