How Open Web Applications Can Improve Your Digital Health Solution
OpenMRS is one of the best examples of a successful digital health global good. Right now this electronic medical records software supports almost 9 million patients...
For Better or Worse: ICT4D is Open Source Software
Previously, I wrote about how the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) showed that we sell sexy ICT4D success stories to survive in their recent Baseline ICT4D Ecosystem...
10 Insights After 40 Years of Digital Development Progress
I’m going to retire in 2019 after 40 years of working in the IT industry, from 1978 to 2018, and after 35 years of dedication to Food and Agriculture Organization...
The Software Skills That Pay the Most in 2018
We are often asked by a lot of software developers what are the most in-demand programming skills and how the market is developing. So, we’ve taken a dive into...
Bring Your Innovative Workforce Ideas to USAID Indonesia
On June 24, 2015, USAID/Indonesia announced a call for creative ideas on how to develop an inclusive and vibrant workforce that harnesses the skills and talents...
On Politics and Programmers Across a Continent
This morning, I republished the post The 3 types of developers you will find in Africa by Richard Ngamita. He compared the software developer community to three...
Gaining Advantages Through Languages – of Code
When people talk of the many languages of Africa, and need for localized content, they’re often thinking about English, French, Kiswalhili, or Xhosa.