How To Ethically Use Drones in International Development?
Drones use in humanitarian and international development projects are controversial. Reflecting this reality, the recently released UN policy brief cautions practitioners...
Please RSVP Now: Is 3D Printing a Relevant Technology for Development?
IREX Tech Deep Dive – RSVP now
Just as the Internet changed the communications world in the 1990’s, 3D printing is set to change the physical world. We...
Please RSVP: Are Mesh Networks in Development Practical or Preposterous?
We all love the Internet, but we often think of it as a virtual cloud, untouchable by the common person. However, with new advances in computer networking any one...
Please RSVP Now: How Can We Use Drones for Development?
We all know the military and surveillance applications of drones, and we can dream of Amazon Prime Air, but how can unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) be used to improve...
RSVP Now for Social Network Analysis: Influence and Impact Beyond Likes and Retweets
We live in a network society and we often hear, “Its not what you know, its who you know.” But how many times have you had to re-learn that this maxim is true...
RSVP Now to Debate MOOCs Impact in the Developing World
Stanford, Harvard, MIT, and many more top name universities are launching Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to hundreds, and hundred of thousands of students....