Apply Now: $25,000 Seed Funding for COVID-19 Digital Response Solutions
The COVID-19 crisis had an unprecedented impact on our society. The crisis has exposed the fragility of the current system’s functioning across the globe, but...
How IoT Early Warning Systems Can Help Save People From Mudslides
Floods and mudslides regularly devastate El Salvador. Villagers can identify impending floods and mudslides, but they are unable to warn others in time. Rugged...
Fixing M&E with Sensors and the Internet of Things
Poverty reduction efforts in many developing countries often take the form of household water filters, community hand-driven water pumps, improved wood, charcoal...
Sensors for MERL: What Works? What Does Not? What Have We Learned?
Sensors promise rapid insights into development programs. Exciting and quickly evolving technologies are expanding the range of what can be measured, while the...
Hardware Hack: Android Mobile Phone + IOIO Board = Simple Temperature Sensor
Right around the time of Google I/O, SparkFun announced the IOIO board, a bridge-board for Android phones to talk to other electronics like sensors, etc. The IOIO...