How to Explain Data Standards and Interoperability in Digital Health
Phases like data interoperability, open standards, and health information exchange are often used in digital health, but like many hype cycle buzzwords, there...
We Need to Go All In on FHIR for Digital Health
When I first heard of HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource), I think, like most, l understood its application as a data exchange standard with promises...
7 Transformative Digital Health Trends in International Development
At the recent OpenHIE Community Meeting, I was able to meet with a wide range of digital health practitioners working for governments, donors, and implementing...
Why Next Generation Digital Learning Environments Are Useful for ICT4D
I recently participated in the Next Generation Student Success Symposium in Barcelona. The event, hosted by DXtera Institute and the Open University of Catalonia,...
How to Manage Data and Measure Our Success in International Development
If the last ten years are an indicator of what to expect in the coming ten years, data will be one of the most sought-after commodities for measuring success in...
How We Fought Ebola with Information
In December 2013, a little-known viral hemorrhagic fever in West Africa was detected in a forest region of Guinea. It was soon confirmed to be Ebola Virus Disease,...
How to Balance the Tension Between Open Data and Privacy and Security?
At the Digital Development: From Principles to Practice Forum, ICT4D practitioners came together to discuss the inherent tensions between open and interoperable...
9 Criteria to Evaluate an Existing Software Code Base
One of the services Sonjara offers is a Technology Evaluation. Usually a client has inherited an existing website or application and they need an independent evaluation...