Apply Now: $550,000 Internet Access Grants in Latin America and Caribbean
According to the United Nations, access to the Internet has become a fundamental aspect for the full exercise of our human rights. Internet access gives us information...
Status of Government Policy Progress on Internet Connectivity Prices
COVID-19 digital response has laid bare the scale and consequences of the digital divide and underlined the urgent need to find solutions to digital inequality.
Meaningful Connectivity: A New Standard for Internet Access
The Covid-19 pandemic has galvanised the case for universal internet access like never before, generating widespread agreement that the internet is too important...
Looking Back at 20 Years of ICT4D, and the Approaching Future
I started publishing Balancing Act’s News Update in 2000. Every Sunday I would pick over a range of websites in English and French to edit a series of news items...
Your Fancy Android App Needs an Offline Mode
You’ve done your user-centered design, you’ve assessed your constituents, and you’ve determined that an Android application is the best way to...
Beware The Sweet Seduction of 3G Mobile Broadband Data Hype
We have all heard the siren song of 3G or even 4G mobile broadband data changing the dynamics of Internet access across Africa. If you believe the hype, everyone...
5 Reasons Why YouTube HD Videos are the Computing Benchmark for ICT4D
With the proliferation of computer hardware from desktops to laptops to myriad mobile phones, smartphones, tablets and everything in between, there is a real challenge...
7 strategies to target Africa’s broadband consumers
This is a screenshot of an Internet bandwidth speed test I did at a hotel in Dar es Salaam. At 1.65 Mbs, that’s the fastest speed I’ve ever recorded...
Why Tanzanian Internet Access Prices Have Not Decreased with the Arrival of SEACOM
Recently, Ory Okolloh (aka @kenyanpundit) asked a pertinent question on Twitter, that I would paraphrase as: “Tanzanians – what are your thoughts on...
Why African Internet Bandwidth Prices Are Still High
It’s been about 12 months since Africa was the only continent without submarine fiber telecommunication links to the rest of the world on all of its coasts. The...