Five AI Innovators Shaping the Future of International Development
Artificial Intelligence stands at the forefront as a transformative force, reshaping myriad sectors including international development. In this article, we delve...
What’s the Best IT Equipment to Use in Harsh Environments?
ICT4D practitioners work in all kinds of difficult weather conditions and environments. Dust, humidity, unreliable power, heat, and blowing sand can all make it...
The Good, Bad and Great News about Women on the Web in Developing Countries
Just weeks ago Intel announced a groundbreaking new report focused on Women and the Web in developing countries. The report was released as the lead-in at a vibrant...
How Is Technology Causing Breakthroughs in Youth Economic Opportunity?
At the Making Cents International’s Global Youth Economic Opportunities Conference, the youth and ICTs panel mentioned a few of the many areas where new technologies...
Solar Power for PC Deployments: Enabling ICT Beyond the Grid
Technology for converting solar energy to electricity was first introduced over 130 years ago, and it has been used to power PCs for more than 20 years. However,...
Intel Atom Processor: Disruptive Innovation in Energy-Efficient Computing
Electrical power. That’s the real problem for information and communication technologies (ICT) in the developing world. Specifically, electrical power, and...
Less Watts for Better Computing
When you’re working in rural areas, electricity is often very scarce. Your only source of power may be a battery array, which may cost you $10-per-watt to...