Apply Now: $1.7 Million in Grants for Internet Infrastructure and Inclusion
The challenges of improving Internet growth are multi faceted and interrelated, particularly in developing countries. They include technical skills and knowledge,...
Top 10 Challenges that ICT Entrepreneurs Face in Zambia
Recently Wayan Vota brought up the issue, Where Are the B2B Plays in African ICT Start-Ups? If you’re an entrepreneur, I believe that this is the question...
Inveneo Buyers Guide to Sustainable ICT Infrastructure in Low Resource Settings
The Inveneo Buyers Guide to Sustainable ICT Infrastructure in Low Resource Settings is intended to serve as a planning tool for deploying information and communications...
How Can Oil Money Promote ICT Use in Uganda?
“A Primer of Oil Well drilling” by Ron Baker, screamed the headline of the book that a middle aged man was reading on a flight from Johannesburgh to Entebbe....
Government ICT Seriousness Rankings: Kenya Most Serious About ICT
When it comes to ICTs, Government’s role is to create and sustain a conducive environment through regulation and legislation.
In addition, a sound government...