How Will Quantum Computing Impact International Development?
Quantum computing is an emerging technology that seeks to exploit the laws of quantum mechanics to process information with unprecedented speed and efficiency.
3 Ways Starlink is an Extractive ICT Company in LMICs
Starlink is now the big favorite for Internet access across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) around the world. Every technologist in developing countries...
Does Digital Development Foster Adverse Digital Incorporation?
Digital systems are significantly associated with inequality in the global South. That association has traditionally been understood in terms of the digital divide...
Digital Inclusion is Not Just an Add-on for Tech Policy and Development
The tech world is abuzz about the possibilities that Web3 and the metaverse can offer. Yet, approximately 2.2 billion people living with visual impairments stand...
Apply Now: $2 Million Google Funding for Women and Girls Empowerment
Gender inequity is one of the most urgent challenges we face as a society. COVID-19 has put the economic future of women and girls at even greater risk. Solving...
Who Is Really Leading Your ICT4D Intervention?
At a previous employer, I was always shocked at the role of the national staff in the organization. Here were some of the smartest, most dedicated professionals...
Do Open Educational Resources Actually Increase the Digital Divide?
We have often focused on Open Educational Resources (OER) in the Educational Technology Debates. We talked about the need for creating digital content and examples...