Register Now for ICTD 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa
The continued growth of the ICT4D field and surrounding community has led to many participants organising and coordinating their efforts in order to learn and...
The Complete List of 79 Academic ICT4D Journals and Publications
One source of continuous frustration for ICT4D academic researchers is the glacial pace of academia. One has to submit papers 8 months in advance for conferences...
Be Aware of Participant Response Bias in ICT4D Product Development
I am Nicki Dell, a PhD student at the University of Washington in Seattle. I’d like to tell you about a project that I did recently during an internship at Microsoft...
Celebrating Failure with a FailFaire at ICTD2012
I am Mustafa Naseem and I am attending ICTD 2012, the premier conference for the field of Information and Communication Technology for Development. ICTD opened...
Which University Department Should Have ICT4D Studies?
Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICTD) research brings together a community researchers from such varied fields as computer science, cognitive...
A Short History of Low-Cost Computers: From the IBM PCjr to Simputer to OLPC
Historically, there have been numerous initiatives targeting the creation of “computers for the poor,” but the quest for such devices has been an elusive...