Practical Insights on ICT4Edu

What is ICT4Edu?
ICT4Edu is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve educational outcomes in developing countries. This includes hardware, software, content, curriculum, and pedagogy required for learning by students, teachers, and their surrounding communities.
ICT4Education initiatives build on various disciplines such as communication, education, psychology, sociology, artificial intelligence, and computer science. EduTech solutions encompass several domains including learning theory, online learning, computer-based training, and distance education.
What Are Successful ICT4Edu Projects?
We are constantly searching for new ICT4Edu projects for review and analysis. Please find below a growing list of programmes that use information and communication technologies to increase educational outcomes in developing countries.
Building on the theme of artificial intelligence for international development, this weekend we’ll look at the role of AI to improve educational outcomes...
Published on: Nov 24 2017 by Steve Vosloo - Comments Off on Refugee Children Education: Promising Practices and Recommendations
The surge in global refugees has had devastating effects on the education of affected children. Only 61% of refugee children have access to primary education, and...
Published on: Nov 18 2017 by Steve Vosloo - Comments Off on Personalized Learning – Your Weekend Long Reads
The promise of digitally-enabled personalized learning dates back to the 1960s. As with many early predictions, it took decades before the potential began to be...
Published on: Feb 01 2017 by Steve Vosloo - Comments Off on Profile Your Digital Literacy Solution with UNESCO
Do you have an innovative digital solution that focuses on, or is applicable to, serving low-skilled, low-literate youth and adults, or those who cannot read or...
Many scholars have identified an interesting phenomenon that manifests when introducing educational technology to populations in developing countries. The Matthew...
With years of experience in attempting to effect large scale educational change, using technology, I’ve come up with six “game changing” topics (and I don’t...
Published on: Jul 22 2016 by Steve Vosloo - Comments Off on The Future Is Now: How to Write About EduTech Accurately
After a year of conferences and education trade shows, I am convinced that my fellow technologists and development experts are not fully realizing the radical change...
Currently it is estimated that there are 4.6 million Syrian refugees; 6.6 million displaced persons inside Syria. Of these, half are children. In March, Technology...
The 2016 UNESCO Mobile Learning Week kicked off last Monday with a webinar entitled Innovation and quality: Two sides of the same coin? The virtual event, held...
Imagine if your young child attended a school that did not have books, electricity, or the Internet. What educational opportunities would he or she be denied?