Generative AI Now Proven to Advance Learning Outcomes in Nigeria
We know that students receiving one-on-one tutoring outperform peers who only have traditional classroom instruction. However, individualized learning programs...
Apply Now: $150,000 for Your AI Solution for Youth Empowerment
Africa, with its young and rapidly growing population, stands at a transformative moment. By 2030, the continent’s youth will form one of the world’s...
What Drives Public Sector Adoption of eLearning Practices?
The adoption and utilisation of elearning in the public sector appears to be inadequately researched. A systematic review of academic research into Adoption and...
9 Examples of Successful Digital Education Technology in Rural African Classrooms
Digital technology has the potential to revolutionize education, particularly in rural African classrooms, where resources are often limited.
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Debate: Can ICT4D Improve International Development Programs?
I recently had an interesting debate on the using of information and communication technology (ICT4D) in international development programs with my university professor. ...
Apply Now: FREE Masters Degree in Machine Learning for Africans
The machine learning revolution offers a unique chance to improve lives without opening up and exacerbating global inequalities – if we widen who works on...
Apply Now: $15,000 Grants for Your EduTech Nonprofit Initiative
Many nonprofit ICT4Edu organizations in developing countries need training, technology, and funding to successfully integrate blended learning programs or move...
How EduTech Can Increase Literacy Skills for Children with Disabilities
More than 93 million children globally have a disability, and of those who reside in countries with high poverty levels, at least 90 percent do not attend school....
Apply Now: €1,500,000 for Your Educational Technology Solutions
The unprecedented Covid-19 crisis has greatly affected the education sector, with more than a billion young people in a lockdown and distance education expanding...
Apply Now: $170,000 for Educational Technology Innovation Awards
The educational ecosystem is in constant flux. New innovations are introduced, tested, and scaled. External shocks, like the coronavirus pandemic then upend the...